Liesbeth Pankaja Bennink combined her history study at the Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht (The Netherlands) with her training as Bharata Natyam dancer under Smt. Rajamani Knols (Amsterdam, Mumbai, Bangalore). After accomplishing her Arangetram in 1981 and her graduation in 1983 she performed and taught for many years in The Netherlands and abroad. Seeking a deeper understanding and knowledge of Indian dance in the context of the ancient traditions in which it is rooted she found a scholar and master who could open up this world to her in the person of Raja Deekshithar. He was a researcher and a scholar, member of the traditional community who are the custodians of the Shiva Nataraja temple in Chidambaram, India. They commenced a cooperation that lasted for many years and only ended with his sudden death in 2010. Together with his sons Kandhan, Jayakumar and Sankar she intends to carry Raja's legacy forward and to continue his research in his footsteps.

The sons of Raja Deekshithar were brought up to understand the value of the tradition they were born into. They were inspired by his life of research and teaching. From an early age like their father they understood the joy of communication with people from all over the world. Through their upbringing they absorbed his vision of integration of East and West, of analysis and devotion, and the awareness that understanding is necessary for the preservation of ancient traditions and knowledge. They are committed to continue their father's life's work.
