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Asian Art Calendar of Events

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Exhibition Public - USA & Canada

Refocusing Photography: China at the Millennium

The Cleveland Museum of Art
11150 East Boulevard,
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Jun 08, 2025 To Nov 16, 2025

Detail: From 1949 to 1978, photography in the People’s Republic of China was reserved for governmental propaganda: its function was to present an idealized image of life under Chairman Mao and communist rule. In 1978, as China opened to global trade and Western societies, photography as documentation, art, and personal expression experienced a sudden awakening. Personal photographic societies formed, art schools began teaching photography, and information on Western contemporary art became available.

In the late 1990s, a new generation of Chinese artists, many initially trained as painters, revolted against traditional academic definitions of photography. Building on the work done in the previous decades by Western artists, they dissolved the boundaries between photography, performance art, conceptual art, and installation. In so doing, they brought photography into the foreground in Chinese contemporary art. This exhibition presents works from the museum’s collection by eight key artists from that generation.

Born between 1962 and 1969, these artists grew up during the Cultural Revolution (1966–1976), when conformity was required and past intellectual and artistic products—whether artistic, family history, or documentary—were banned and destroyed. They also experienced the cultural vacuum that followed this erasure. As adults, these artists lived in a radically different China—newly prosperous, individualistic, and consumerist. They helped develop a new visual idiom, producing artworks that addressed their country’s recent history, its swift societal transformation, and their own resultant shift in identity as Chinese.

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1/2 Series
1/2 Series
Zhang Huan 張洹 (Chinese, b. 1965)
Paper: 119.4 x 104.1 cm (47 x 41 in.)
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