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Subject:K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: Brian Fri, Apr 27, 2007 IP:

Does anyone know any information about the artist K. F. Ng? I recently purchased a painting with that signature. I have no idea who the artist is. Please help.


Subject:Re: K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: D. Stewart Sun, May 13, 2007

The artist is Kee Fung Ng, his gallery is in San Francisco on Grant St. Sorry no other info known.

Subject:Re: K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: P. D. Ozybko Fri, Jun 08, 2007

I have a Kee Fung Ng oil painting, signed K. Fng, purchased in Sausilito, CA in 1973 while vacationing in San Francisco. Paperwork was provided about the artist. If you send me an email address, I'd be happy to scan this paper and forward to you. (The paperwork says he escaped from Red China last year......we purchased the painting in 1973 but I don't know if "last" year was 1972 or before. When I googled his name, a gallery in San Fran. was listed.

Subject:Re: K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: m stone Fri, May 30, 2008

We have two painting done about the same time and we purchased them in downtown San Francisco. I know he has done the Bradford plates.. but would like to know more about his works.
I wouldn't part with either picture....they are lovely. The sea and the forest in fog.

IF someone know more about NG I would like to have the information

Subject:Re: K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: Tim Thu, Jul 31, 2008

Hi All!

Here's the address for Kee's gallery:

Kee Fung Ng Gallery
757 Grant Ave
San Francisco, CA 94108
Phone: (415) 434-1844

I'm always popping into their store to look for bargains and have bought some nice Shou Shan stone and jade from them. I know both he and his wife.

My dad bought this painting from them when his gallery was on Clay St. back in the 60's.

Their store has closing signs on it, but it's been like that for several months, so who knows, maybe a gimmick to make sales. They tell me though it's dependant on the landlord.

He is known for his paintings of children, but junk boats and other abstracts was what he was doing in the 60's & 70's before he became famous for the children paintings. I think all his other galleries Sausalito and Fisherman's Wharf have all closed.


Subject:Re: K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: Claudia Mon, Jun 23, 2008

I would love a copy of the newspaper article. Kindly forward to:

Thank you.

Subject:Re: K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: dan nolan Sat, Jun 09, 2007

kee fung ng was painting SFO scenes for years during th 60's and 70's. i think he is retired if still alive. i have several of his sfo works that i purchased from his store/gallery in the 70's. i met him then and he signed them for me. his chinese children's painting were much more valuable and selling for $10,000's 10 years ago. which painting did you buy? how much was it, if i may ask? i don't know if his sfo gallery is still open. i have cable car/alcatraz and golden gate.
Dan Nolan in New York

URL Title :kee fung ng artist sfo paintings

Subject:Re: K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: dan nolan Sat, Jul 07, 2007

addl info
my web site is:

Subject:Re: K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: P. D. Ozybko Fri, Jul 13, 2007

The Kee Fung Ng oil painting is a water scene.... with a few birds. I never reveal purchase prices. If you want, I could take a photo of it, using my digital camera, and send it.

Subject:Re: K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: dumzi Fri, Oct 26, 2007

I'm an amateur enthusiast and i stumbled upon this KF Ng oil painting in a charity shop here in England for near to nothing. it's approx 50x40cm. Do you think i'm onto something?

Subject:Re: K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: Kevin Mon, Jan 07, 2008

I'm just curious about what it reads on the paper that is attached the back of your paiting. Is it too much to ask for you to send me a copy of this paper via email? Kee Fung Ng is famous for painting little Sampan girls of rural China. I only have lithograph copies which he framed and signed for me. He is retiring and is liquidating everything in his San Francisco gallery. But you have the original and it should worth a lot more. Great find!

Subject:Re: K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: Dumi Wed, Jan 16, 2008

I'll do that for you. Perhaps three closeup segments of the back of the painting. Give me until tomorrow at this time

Subject:Re: K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: Jim Brandt Sun, Feb 10, 2008

I have a similar original oil painting by Mr. Ng of a cable car in San Fran my parents bought back in the late 60's. It also has the same flyer attached (pictured above).

It says:
"Kee Fung Ng's reputation as an artist grows year after year without any sign of declining. He began by displaying his work at a few small exhibits around the San Francisco bay area and met with considerable success. His paintings are now displayed throughout the country as well as at his own gallaries.

Mr. Ng was born in 1941 in China and showed his artistic aptitude at an early age. In 1960, he graduated from the Fu-San Art School in Canton. Then he left Red China to join his family in Hong Kong. There, he supported his family by selling his oil paintings. In 1968, he came to the United States and, for several years, struggled to make a living as an artist. Success cam slowley but inevitably. He now displays his paintings at his own gallaries.

Mr. Ng specializes in Asian themes in his work and paints equally well in abstractc and realistic styles. His landscapes, flowers and animals, and birds are all delightful as are his much-celebrated seascapes; but today, perhaps, he is best-known for his warm and sensitive portraits of the children of Mainland China, portraits which he now paints only from memory.

Subject:Re: K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: Dumzi Wed, Feb 13, 2008

Good to know that there are enthusiasts whoappreciate this guy's art. i was bent on selling it but now i think its best not to. I'll have a story to tell since i bought it for a less than ten pounds in England where i live.

Subject:Re: K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: Felicia Sun, Sep 13, 2009

Same story. My parents bought a painting back in the 70's in S.F. They still have in their living room. It came with the same flyer that I have now attached to the back of one of his prints that I had framed.

Subject:Re: K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: Peter Sieck Sat, Feb 02, 2008

I have a few that we recently inherited. They are fishing scenes (appears to be in asia) and one abstract.

There are a couple of his oil paintings on E-bay right now. One is GG bridge and one is a nature scene. They are offered at 800 and 600 respectively
Search ebay for "K F Ng Art"

There are also many plates which I'm not sure are by the same artist (children mainly)

I too would love to be able to read the bio shown in the picture.

URL Title :e-bay listings

Subject:Re: K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: Claudia Tue, Mar 03, 2009

Referencing dumzi email 10-26-07; were you ever able to make a copy of the newspaper article on the back of your painting? If so, I would enjoy receiving a copy to put with my paintings. I requested a copy in June 08 but never received.

Thank you.

Subject:Re: K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: Geri Dee Fri, Jun 26, 2009

How many paintings do you own?

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Subject:Re: K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: Claudia Mon, Jun 29, 2009

I own two:
One marine scene with dock and sail boats.
One San Francisco cable car.

Subject:Re: K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: Dumi Tue, Jun 30, 2009

I have just the one which i bought at boot sale peanuts. I'm sure you have seen my one coz i posted it on this forum. The one with a cable car, people and the Golden Gate Bridge in the background

Subject:Re: K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: Mark Goldsteen Thu, Apr 24, 2008

I had the oppertunity to meet and talk to the artist in a little room about a block off the water where he was painting these outstanding works of art under a single exposed lightbulb and cooking from a hot plate. I purchased and own, according to the artist, the finest piece of work he'd done to that point in his life. It's unbelivably realistic as if a photo!!

Subject:Re: K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: Claudia Sun, May 04, 2008

I also have 2 K. F. Ng paintings that I purchased from him personally in SF in the early 80's. One is a SF street car and the other is a lovely marine scene showing a pier, sailboats and seagulls. I recall him coming out of his one room shop onto the street, paint all over him and his clothes a cash falling out of his pockets. We negotiated and made the deal.

Subject:Re: K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: Heather Smyth Mon, Mar 29, 2010

I have two of his paintings; both children and both stunning. The dates are 80 and 82. How much are these paintings worth as they are currently un-insured. Hope you can help. Cheers. Heather

Subject:Re: K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: bob Mon, May 19, 2014

Hi Heather. I read your post tonight and was wondering if you ever had a reply or found out anything about your paintings.

Subject:Re: K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: Martha A. Griffin Thu, Jun 29, 2017

I have 3 signed and numbered lithographs of Mr. Ng's and would love to get some history on them. I have seen his painting and prints of children but they were all groups of children. All three of mine are of a single girl..2 of whom I think are the same girl. Does anyone have any idea of what they are currently worth or if there are more available.

Subject:Re: K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: Geraldine-Warner Wed, Jul 19, 2017

I have a signed painting of an Asian man who looks like-the- karate-kids-mentor in the movie Geraldine Warner

Subject:Re: K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: Patricia Delph Sun, Jul 28, 2019

I recently lost my mother. I came across a painting by Kee Fung NG. I haven’t been able to find any copies on the internet. I’m sure it’s an original-my Dad bought it in 1973. The picture is a young boy( or girl) standing in ankle deep water holding a fishing net.

Subject:Re: K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: Robert Hughes Sat, Mar 27, 2021

I too have a painting but unable to find any information on it. Have you found a resource for yours? Mine is of a young girl in ankle deep water with a pail and a stick. It is signed and numbered 762/1000.

Subject:Re: K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: John Wright Tue, Dec 11, 2007

I recently visited the gallery (30 years after purchasing a painting there) and found store closing signs in the windows. They had mostly carved jade and other stones and some prints of the children and a few other items. Low inventory confirmed they may be on the way out.

Subject:Re: K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: dave murray Sat, Feb 23, 2008

I purchased a painting "Autumn Trees," signed K.F.Ng from the Lewers Street Gallery in Honolulu, in 1973. (Paid US$100) My receipt from the gallery said the artist was K.Fong Ng, however there is no doubting the signature as being that of Kee Fung Ng. I was having a "clean out" of stuff this morning, came across the receipt and decided to Google it. Ain't the net amazing!!

Subject:Re: K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: Pat Sat, Mar 29, 2008

Does anyone know if there is a book listing all the art of Kee Fung Ng?

Subject:Re: K. F. Ng Oil Painting
Posted By: evelyn Thu, Jun 26, 2008

Today I purchased 2 original, signed paintings by KF NG....they were at a thrift store! I will usually buy a signed painting if the price is reasonable and then come home and look on the I was very fortunate! | Associations | Articles | Exhibitions | Galleries |