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China Exploration & Research Society (CERS) and Kham Aid Foundation

Personnel for The Monastery Project

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1996 Art Conservation Field Team stopping at Qiao'er Shan on the way  to Dege. (L to R) Pamela Logan, Denba Daji, Donatella Zari, Carlo Giantomassi, Guido R Botticelli, Yang Jin, Wu Bangfu, Gonga, Yuan Xiaowen.
1996 Art Conservation Field Team stopping at Qiao'er Shan on the way to Dege.

Pamela Logan (U.S.A.) - project director, is an experienced Tibet hand who has been investigating the people and culture of the eastern plateau since 1990 and has authored one book on the area click here . She is founder and president of the Kham Aid Foundation, and director of research for CERS. In addition to arranging the complex logistics of the project, she also functions as photographer, interpreter, and publicist. She is the author of all the reports included in this presentation of CERS work on Asian Arts.


John Sanday, assisted by Tibetan workers, places tell-tales in the exterior wall of Palpung to monitor movement of a crack.
John Sanday, assisted by Tibetan workers, places tell-tales in the exterior wall of Palpung to monitor movement of a crack.
(U.K.), chief conservation architect, has 25 years of experience in conserving historic buildings and sites. His work record includes Angkor Wat in Cambodia; Swayambuth Stupa in Kathmandu, Nepal; Leh Palace in Ladakh, India; the Buddhist Vihara and the historic city of Bagerhat in Bangladesh.

Carlo Giantomassi, Donatella Zari, and Guido Botticelli (Italy), mural conservation specialists, were trained at the Instituto Centrale del Restauro, and collectively have more than eighty years' experience. They have restored frescos and mosaics at hundreds of sites around the world, including many in Asia.


Xiong Xiong
Xiong Xiong

Xiong Xiong (Tibetan), chief engineer, is local to the Dege area, and will oversee the work on-site. He is well-versed in all aspects of traditional Tibetan construction, and was responsible for the repair of the Dege Printing House.

Yuan Xiaowen (Tibetan) is a Tibetologist of the Sichuan Nationalities Research Institute who specializes in the cultures of the eastern plateau. He acts as liaison to local authorities and administrative aide.

Denba Daji (Tibetan) represents the Sichuan International Cultural Exchange Center, acts as logistical coordinator and Chinese-Tibetan interpreter.

Yang Jin (Tibetan), a native of Kangding, is a gifted artist from the Ganzi Institute for Popular Art who is the project's senior conservation apprentice.

Aga (Tibetan) was born in Dege County and has been trained in the Dege artistic tradition. He is a broad-minded and talented young scholar who is also an expert in traditional Tibetan medicine.

Lhazom Dolma (Tibetan), a Dege native, is interpreter. She is fluent in the Dege town and nomad dialects of Tibetan, Lhasa dialect, Sichuan Chinese and standard Mandarin, English and Hindi.

Wu Bangfu (Han Chinese) speaks English and two dialects of Chinese. A native of Kangding, he is the second interpreter.

Buge (Tibetan) of the Dege Publich Security Bureau oversees the safety and security of the field team during expeditions.

Kunchug Dorje (Tibetan), a Dege native who is now employed by the Ganzi Prefecture News Bureau, is the project's video cameraman


(Hong Kong), president of the China Exploration & Research Society, conceived the project during one of his dozens of expeditions on the Tibetan plateau. He led the 1991 survey expedition, and now serves as the project's executive director.

Wu Qingzhong (Yi Nationality) is director of the Sichuan Nationalities Research Institute, one of the project's two offical host organizations based in Chengdu.

Zhong Yang (Han Chinese) is department head at the Sichuan International Cultural Exchange Center, the project's other host organization.


Project Overview | Baiya Mural Conservation | Palpung Architecture Project
How You Can Help | Project Personnel | About CERS | About KAF