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Subject:3 of 3 Satsuma vases with translation/date requests
Posted By: Chris Sun, Jul 03, 2022 IP:

Hello Yet Again,

Below are a couple photos of the last of three Satsuma vases I have with something other than or in addition to the standard "Dai Nippon" or "Satsuma" kanji. This is one of a pair.

The below cobalt vases are both marked as shown. As with the first vase, am I correct in interpreting the last tow kanji to read "Zan" and "tsukuru?" As with the first vase, any assistance in translating the 3rd column of kanji and approximation of the age of the vase(s) would be warmly appreciated, and as always, I thank you in advance for the same.

Kind Regards,

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Subject:Re: 3 of 3 Satsuma vases with translation/date requests
Posted By: Martin Michels Mon, Jul 04, 2022

The mark reads: Dai Nippon 大日本 - Kozan 光山 Zo 造 (= Great Japan - made by Kozan).
Date: Late Meiji 1890-1910.
This is not a mark of Kinkozan or the well-known Makuzu Kozan, but one of the many Kozan's in that period.
Handwritten "Dai Nippon" is seen on a lot of marks from the Meiji era.

Subject:Re: 3 of 3 Satsuma vases with translation/date requests
Posted By: Chris Tue, Jul 05, 2022

Hello Martin and thank you once again for all your help. I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to date and translate the markings on my vases. Have a wonderful rest of your week.

Kind Regards,
Chris | Associations | Articles | Exhibitions | Galleries |