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Subject:looking for any info on painting
Posted By: JOHNATHAN BEST Thu, May 21, 2015 IP:

PLEASE HELP!!!!! Needing any info on my painting

Subject:鹣鲽情深 Lifetime love of a couple by 尤雯 You Wen
Posted By: Super Sun, May 31, 2015

The four large Chinese characters in the middle of your painting, from right to left, is the title of your painting, also a Chinese cheng-yu (4-character proverb):

jiān dié qíng shēn,

In ancient China, there was supposedly a type of birds called Jian Die, the male bird only borne with left wing and left eye and the female bird only borne with right wing and right eye, and therefore both must be together all the time in order to fly.

This proverb is used to describe the profound love and intimate relationship of a couple that they are like the Jian Die birds and never separate from each other.

You can see that there was a pair of birds shown on this painting, which reflects this proverb and symbolizes the love of a couple.

At the right hand side of the calligraphy, there listed the name of the husband (man) and on his left, the name of his wife (woman)to whom this painting was meant to honor.

At the far left-hand side, the two characters from top to bottom is the name of the painter 尤雯
You Wen (in Cantonese: Yau Man) and the two chop marks is that of You and that of Wen.

Hope this helps.


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Subject:Re: 鹣鲽情深 Lifetime love of a couple by 尤雯 You Wen
Posted By: Super Mon, Jun 01, 2015

After reading my message again, I just realized that the artist of this painting had written the first two characters with the incorrect radicals, either by mistake or on purpose.

鹣, the first character, should have a bird as its right radical, which is the name of an ancient Chinese bird with one eye and one wing; the artist had used the fish radical (on its left)instead. I was unable to locate this character.

鲽, which is a flounder with only one eye, therefore with a fish radical at its left. A pair of them will be swimming together. The artist has instead used a bird radical at its right. I also could not locate such a character.

If any of the regular translators can shed some light on this, I would appreicate very much. It is possible that this proverb can be written in both ways but I believe the way I posted it is the most common manner the Cheng Yu (proverb) was used. | Associations | Articles | Exhibitions | Galleries |