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Tibetan Woodblock Prints

Posted By: Bolton Browne
Posted Date: May 14, 2013 (04:32 PM)


I would like some advice regarding a collection of Tibetan Woodblock prints acquired during the early 70's.

These were compiled at great length over all of the monasteries in Tibet. Rwalsar, Sikkim, Thyangboche, etc.

The paper was made at that time (40 years ago), but the blocks that were stamped onto the paper are many hundreds of years old.

I have been in contact with Burkhart Quessel of the British Museum, and he said that this was possibly the finest private collection he had ever seen. I have 196 Prints in total, all unique, ranging from prayer flags to mandalas to victory banners to good luck charms - so I imagine that they have to be worth something.

Our family has no more need for these so I am looking to sell them, either as a collection or individually.

Obviously I cannot post 196 pictures on here, but if people are interested, I could post a few of the most striking.

If anyone has any advice or information about where I can potentially sell these, I would be most grateful. I have tried museums such as the Rubin Museum, but they do not buy collections. With them it is either a donation or nothing at all.

Christie's Auction house also told me that these do not classify as "antique" per se, so they could not put them up in their Asian Art Auction.

Running out of places to look...

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