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Subject:How much are these Satsuma earthenware vase and teapot worth?
Posted By: Stefan Sun, Aug 20, 2017 IP:

I was wondering if this vase and teapot are actually real Satsuma earthenware. I would also like to know what their value is. This link shows all the images I made of the vase and teapot (marks included):

Satsuma vase and teapot

Subject:Re: How much are these Satsuma earthenware vase and teapot worth?
Posted By: Martin Michels Mon, Aug 21, 2017

Mark teapot: Kusube 楠部 (artist: Yaichi Kusube).
Mark Vase: Kinkozan 錦光山 Zo 造 (Made by Kinkozan).
Western export Satsuma circa 1925.
No great value, no rare pieces.

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Subject:Re: How much are these Satsuma earthenware vase and teapot worth?
Posted By: Bill H Tue, Aug 22, 2017

The teapot looks to have a mark of "Kusube"(楠部), probably Kusube Yaichi(1897-1984), a well-known 20th century Kyoto potter, according to information at the link. The vase has a mark of "Made by Kinkozan" (Kinkozan Zo), a noted studio, also in Kyoto.

Both marks look to me probably to be later versions of what were used by both of these makers. Perhaps others in the forum with deeper knowledge of Japanese wares than I have can comment on value.

Best regards,

Bill H.

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