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Subject:18th C Kano School Kakejiku?
Posted By: Fujin Mon, Jun 30, 2014 IP:

Hi! I was just wondering if anyone can help me regarding this Japanese Kakejiku that I believe to be 18th century Kano School.

It is in terrible condition, but I think it is still a very beautiful piece and I would love to know more about it!

It depicts Mount Fuji, and there are two lines of calligraphy, both with different chop marks.

There is writing on the reverse, which I believe reads -

'Kano [School] Spring annual meeting sixty seven [Year] brush work'

There are three chop marks, with only one being really visible. Can anyone here recognise it?

Thanks to anyone who can help!

Subject:Re: 18th C Kano School Kakejiku?
Posted By: Guy Tue, Jul 01, 2014

Please post a detailed image of the two complete signatures with their seals that appear in the design.


Subject:Re: 18th C Kano School Kakejiku?
Posted By: rat Tue, Jul 01, 2014

Looks nice. The label says that it is the joint work of a 春水 and a 真笑(?). One of the Japan experts here can probably offer more help.

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Subject:Re: 18th C Kano School Kakejiku?
Posted By: Fujin Wed, Jul 02, 2014

Thanks for the replies!

Here are three more photos, the first is the seal mark above, with it's accompanying calligraphy, the second two are of the second line of calligraphy, and the second and third seal mark, but the seals are so faded it is hard to even see them with the naked eye! | Associations | Articles | Exhibitions | Galleries |