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Subject:Emiko, Arjan and others, please help with Imari dish!
Posted By: Mat Tue, Mar 10, 2015 IP:

Hello, I would like to hear your opinions on this dish. My impression is that it is Japanese Imari of the 18th century. The porcelain is similar to Japanese, not to Chinese Imari. There are no spur marks, but I have seen several 18th century examples that did not show them. The mark is also similar to Japanese 18th century marks, but I cannot find the exact one. Also the decoration is a bit uncommon, but the way the gilding is made and many details in painting are similar to 18th c examples that I have... I forgot to measure it, but it is about 25 cm, I think. What do you think, am I right?
Thank you very much,

Subject:Re: Emiko, Arjan and others, please help with Imari dish!
Posted By: Arjan Thu, Mar 12, 2015

Hi Mat,

Yes ... certainly Japanese and you're right: most but not all (older) Japanese ware have spurmarks. The marking is rather simular as you can find on Hizen ware but, like you, I could'nt find an exact match. I agree with a (probably mid) Edo dating. Maybe Emiko (she is the real export for this) can add (or correct) more.



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Subject:Re: Emiko, Arjan and others, please help with Imari dish!
Posted By: Mat Fri, Mar 13, 2015

Thank you Arjan, for confirming. I would also be curious to hear her opinion! I am collecting Japanese Porcelain for some years now, but there are still a lot of things that confuse me, especially with dating Hizen ware. I think I have learned some things, but when you look at some pieces, nothing seems to be clear!
Best wishes,
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