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Subject:Help with an Utamaro print
Posted By: Brett Fri, Jun 19, 2015 IP:

I got this at an estate sale. Upon first glance some of the colors (like the background) looked enhanced so I thought it was a reproduction, but then I started thinking it was professionally restored. I took it out of the frame and the matting was glued improperly so parts stuck, but beneath it I found the original paper looked much older and it had more characters on the side. Can someone tell me if this is an old original print? What do the characters on the right hand side that are written in pencil say?
I know the piece is called Shizuuta of the Tamaya and the size is Oban. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

 photo IMG_6950_zpswtry6usa.jpg
 photo IMG_6949_zpsbcnj04td.jpg
 photo IMG_6948_zps9njefdna.jpg

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Subject:Re: Help with an Utamaro print
Posted By: Stan Sun, Jun 21, 2015

This is an obvious repro. Things like the text in the right margin, the signature being on the right on yours and the left on the original, the title in the wrong place, the hair trailing down the left side of her face and behind her ear (missing on yours), etc.

See link below for an original at the Boston MFA.

This one appears to be yours:


URL Title :Shizuuta of the Tamaya

Subject:Re: Help with an Utamaro print
Posted By: geo. Sun, Jun 21, 2015

The seal on the right margin is of the (modern) publisher Fusui Gabo. The double box below that is the carver and printer seal, hence this is a modern repro. A very well done print all the same. | Associations | Articles | Exhibitions | Galleries |