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Subject:Satsuma ? Noritake ? Kabuki
Posted By: Desloge Sat, Apr 30, 2016 IP:

This is a bowl that has me confused. I have always liked Satsuma ware, especially the more ornate pieces. This bowl, unfortunately broken and repaired, is almost the best I have ever seen. But the mark translates as Hinode Shookai a Noritake firm. Also the glaze is not the crackle glaze usually seen on Satsuma, but smooth instead.
A good friend translated the characters on the lanterns and banners. Evidently the main character is the king of Hell and it is a Kabuki event.

Subject:Re: Satsuma ? Noritake ? Kabuki
Posted By: Desloge Sun, May 01, 2016

Here is the mark

Subject:Re: Satsuma ? Noritake ? Kabuki
Posted By: Guy Mon, May 02, 2016

I read it as 日山山商曽 but I'm completely stuck in finding further references.


Subject:Re: Satsuma ? Noritake ? Kabuki
Posted By: Martin Michels Tue, May 03, 2016


The mark indeed spells Hinode Shokai: 日出 商會.

And I found this on the internet:
The "Hinode Shokai Morimura Brothers" was started and established by Toyo Morimota in 1878 with offices in Tokyo and New York. The company exported Japanese miscellaneous goods and antiques. In 1881 the company altered the corporate name from "Hinode Shokai Morimura Brothers" to "Morimura Brothers" for exporting pottery and porcelain ware. In 1904 it became known as the Nippon Toki Kaisha in Tokyo.

Apparently later this last firm was connected to Noritake some way or another. Anyway search the internet and you probably find more.

Subject:Re: Satsuma ? Noritake ? Kabuki
Posted By: Guy Wed, May 04, 2016

Yes, of course... .

Subject:Re: Satsuma ? Noritake ? Kabuki
Posted By: Super Tue, May 03, 2016


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